배경 스토리

게리 터너(Gary Turner)는 세계에서 가장 탄력 있는 피부를 가진 남자입니다. 그는 복부의 피부를 약 16cm 잡아당겨 늘려 이 부분 세계 기네스 기록 보유자이기도 합니다. 게리 터너처럼 스페셜한 사람들의 스토리를 토익문제로 제작했습니다.


His skin is so loose and stretchy he can turn his belly into a table—capable of holding three pints of beer. Whether anyone wants to be served a beverage from a skin shelf is unclear, but just in case they don’t, Mr. Turner has plenty more tricks up his sagging sleeve. — [1] –. The 41-year-old suffers from an extreme case of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that has weakened his skin.

In most cases the disorder weakens people’s joints and blood vessels. Mr. Turner’s strain is very rare. – [2] –. He told ABC News: If you look at your own skin cells under a microscope, they’d be nice and round and lock in many places. But my skin cells tend to be more jagged, and don’t fit together so well. – [3] –. He said he first noticed his stretchy skin when he was around three or four years old. He is a former star of Circus of Horrors, the group which auditioned for Britain’s Got Talent last year. He is now a performer for the Royal Family of Strange People, a unique collective of fascinating individuals currently performing in London. – [4] –.

161. What is inferred about Gary Turner?

(A)   A self-made man overcoming physical obstacles

(B)   He is eager to find a better job.

(C)   Success is a paper-thin boundary.

(D)   Overcoming physical obstacles makes mental obstacles easy.

162. In the article, the word “strain” in paragraph 2, line 2, is closest in meaning to
(A) pressure
(B) breed
(C) injury
(D) spot

163. What is NOT stated about Gary Turner?

(A)   He can stretch his skin like rubber.

(B)   He is able to rest three pints of beer on the skin shelf.

(C)   He used to suffer from a rare genetic disorder that has severely weakened his skin.

(D)   In childhood he observed he had something strange.

163. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“He added his skin was actually twice as thin as regular skin. It is actually quite paper-thin.”
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3] 
(D) [4]

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